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So, about masks -- they do next to nothing if you don't wear them properly.

Yep, even the cloth coverings touted as the best thing since social distancing have instructions. We've laid them out below, based on guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization.
And remember: Masks are effective only if they cover your mouth, nose and chin. And however tempting it may be to remove your mask for a moment, doing that could expose your fingers and face to the very virus you're trying to avoid.
Keep that and more in mind when wearing your mask -- If we all do it right, we could save 33,000 lives.


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Some of the more well-known and commons signs of Covid-19 can be just as dangerous.
An inability to take a deep breath: Shortness of breath is not usually an early symptom of Covid-19, but it is the most serious. It can occur on its own, without a cough. If your chest becomes tight or you begin to feel as if you cannot breathe deeply enough to fill your lungs with air, that's a sign to immediately call your doctor or a local urgent care, experts say.
"If the shortness of breath is severe enough, you should call 911," said American Medical Association president Dr. Patrice Harris.

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It may feel like years, but the world has only been battling the deadly novel coronavirus for months. As scientists feverishly work around the clock to unravel the mysteries of this deadly invader, they have gained interesting insights into the virus and the disease it causes: Covid-19.

"We know more now about how it makes people sick," said infectious disease expert Dr. William Schaffner, a professor of preventive medicine and infectious diseases at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville.
Fever, cough and shortness of breath are still key signs that you might have Covid-19, but experts now know there are other red flags signaling infection. Some mimic a typical cold; others mirror the flu; and a few are just downright bizarre.
    "We've learned about Covid toes, the loss of taste and smell," Schaffner said."We've learned that it can actually produce delirium — we're not entirely sure how it affects the central nervous system yet, but it's clear that some of these people have delirium."

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    Daniel is still hobbled by the severe viral infection that struck him in March and left him coughing up blood.

    Three months ago, a 28-year-old environmental researcher from the United Kingdom, was on the road with friends in a band as they toured venues in the French Alps.
    He came down with Covid-19 symptoms, and like many coronavirus patients, spent weeks in bed. He asked that his last name not be used in this story for professional reasons.
    Unlike other people, however, Daniel's life hasn't returned to normal.
    "Since then it's been on and off with extreme tiredness and fatigue," he said.
    Every day he has brain fog, difficulty concentrating and problems with short-term memory that make reading, writing and speaking harder.

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    Eighty-five babies under age 1 have tested positive for coronavirus in one Texas county since mid-March. And local officials are imploring residents to help stop its spread as the state becomes one of the newest hotspots.

    Since January, health authorities have identified more than 3.6 million Covid-19 cases throughout the United States. Nearly 140,000 people have died, according to Johns Hopkins University.

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    woman sitting at kitchen table in front of laptop using inhaler

    If you are among the roughly 25 million people in the United States who have asthma, you’re already vulnerable to respiratory infections in general, since your lungs are somewhat compromised. Unfortunately, this means you may also be at increased risk for a severe case of COVID-19, the infection caused by the novel coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2 that is sweeping the globe. Learn more about how this virus may affect you so you can be prepared.


    Gauging Your Risk

    Certain health conditions can increase your risk of either contracting COVID-19 or experiencing a more severe infection. This includes moderate-to-severe asthma, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And while the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI) notes we’re still waiting on published data to support the premise that people with asthma may be more likely to become infected, the pandemic continues to evolve, and more information could become available.


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    Each day new information comes out about the deadly novel coronavirus and Covid-19, the disease it causes, making it difficult to keep up with all that science has learned.

    Here's a wrap-up of what has changed since the pandemic began and what you need to know now to keep you and your family safe.

    What are the symptoms of Covid-19?

    Fever, cough and shortness of breath: The big three are still the most common symptoms, but the list has grown over the months. We now know many common cold and flu symptoms can also play a role, such as a sore throat, headache, body and muscle aches, chills and shivers, a snotty or congested nose, intense fatigue (which can last longer than the illness), diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
    New, bizarre symptoms: Skin rashes and "Covid-toes," where the toes become red and swollen from tiny blood clots, are some of the newer symptoms that may be early warning signs of Covid-19.

    News English 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

    Each day new information comes out about the deadly novel coronavirus and Covid-19, the disease it causes, making it difficult to keep up with all that science has learned.

    Here's a wrap-up of what has changed since the pandemic began and what you need to know now to keep you and your family safe.

    What are the symptoms of Covid-19?

    Fever, cough and shortness of breath: The big three are still the most common symptoms, but the list has grown over the months. We now know many common cold and flu symptoms can also play a role, such as a sore throat, headache, body and muscle aches, chills and shivers, a snotty or congested nose, intense fatigue (which can last longer than the illness), diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.
    New, bizarre symptoms: Skin rashes and "Covid-toes," where the toes become red and swollen from tiny blood clots, are some of the newer symptoms that may be early warning signs of Covid-19.



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    The nation's top infectious disease expert on Friday urged governors and mayors to "be as forceful as possible" to get people to wear face coverings.

    Social distancing, an important factor in blunting the spread of coronavirus, can be difficult with more people going out, Dr. Anthony Fauci said.
    "When you're living your life and trying to open up the country, you are going to come into contact with people. And for that reason, we know that masks are really important, and we should be using them everywhere," he said during a US Chamber of Commerce virtual event.
      Americans are actually slowing down the re-opening the country by not wearing a mask, said Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

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      First—What is Brave?

      • Brave was founded by Brendan Eich, who invented JavaScript and cofounded Mozilla (which makes Firefox).
      • Instead of re-making a browser from the ground up, Brave used the same technology as Chrome (the chromium engine) while making small tweaks to increase speed, privacy, and security.


      • Unlike Chrome, Brave blocks ads and trackers by default.
      • This allows websites on Brave to load noticeably faster than Chrome. Below is a speed test between Brave, Chrome, and Firefox.
      • Brave's speed increase is especially noticeable on sites with heavy tracking (ex: news sites) and sites with content-blocking video ads (ex: YouTube)
      • Brave tracks the time it saves you, and displays it when you open the browser.
      • Advantage: Brave


      • Brave blocks 3rd-party tracking by default.
        • On Chrome, mega-advertisers like Google and Facebook track you with 3rd-party cookies on nearly every website.
        • By blocking 3rd-party cookies, Brave limits the amount of data Facebook, Google, and other ad networks can collect about your browsing habits.
      • Brave stores all your browsing data locally on your computer, which means you can delete it at any time.
      • Brave supports Tor browsing, making it the first all-purpose browser to do so.

      Advantage: Brave


      • Brave automatically encrypts your website connection when possible (on Chrome, this only occurs with an extension like HTTPS Everywhere).
      • Brave now supports all Chrome extensions, including popular password managers like LastPass and 1Password.

      Advantage: Brave

      Drawbacks of Brave

      • Every once in a while, Brave blocks part of a website that you wanted to load.
      • When this happens, it's easiest to click the lion icon, and toggle the shield to down.
      • Since the latest Brave update, this is rarely necessary (maybe once per week).


      • Brave's speed alone is enough to make the switch worthwhile, and the added privacy and security benefits are icing on the cake.
      • Not surprisingly, Brave has skyrocketed to popularity, going from 1 million to 10.4 million users in the past 2 years alone.
      • Brave is almost exactly like Chrome, but faster and less sleazy.

      資料來源:CNN NEWS


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      Tired of standing in line? Wait a bit longer, and you may never have to again.

      Everyone from Amazon (AMZN) to Silicon Valley startups are trying to eliminate lines in retail stores.
      Amazon has opened 24 of its Amazon Go stores, which use cameras and artificial intelligence to see what you've taken off shelves and charge you as you walk out.
        Some startups such as San Francisco-based Grabango are closely mimicking Amazon's approach of using AI-powered cameras mounted in ceilings to identify what you've removed from a shelf and then charge you for those items.
        How AI came to rule our lives over the last decade

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        There's a new motto for parents when it comes to feeding babies from birth until 2 years of age: "Every bite counts."

        That's the takeaway from the first plan ever proposed for infants and toddlers by the 2020 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee, a group of experts charged with providing science-based recommendations twice each decade on how our diet affects our health.
        "This report continues the traditional emphasis on individuals ages 2 years and older and, for the first time, expands upon it to reflect the growing body of evidence about appropriate nutrition during the earliest stages of life," the report stated.
        "Nutritional exposures during the first 1,000 days of life not only contribute to long-term health but also help shape taste preferences and food choices."

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        (CNN)New data suggests that working-class and minority neighborhoods hit hardest by coronavirus in the borough of Queens in New York are now overwhelmingly testing positive for antibodies.

        But that data doesn't mean those who have antibodies are immune.
        The data, first reported by The New York Times Thursday, shows that more than 68% of people tested positive for antibodies at a clinic in Corona, Queens, while only 56% tested positive at another clinic in Jackson Heights, Queens. CityMD, which operates dozens of walk-in clinics in New York, confirmed the data to the Times and CNN.
          People form a line outside of the CityMD clinic in Forest Hills, Queens, New York.
          People form a line outside of the CityMD clinic in Forest Hills, Queens, New York.

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          【brain-destroying amoeba】

          (CNN)A case of a rare, brain-destroying amoeba has been confirmed in Florida.

          The Florida Department of Health on Friday announced the confirmed case of Naegleria fowleri -- a microscopic single-celled amoeba that can infect and destroy the brain. It's usually fatal, the DOH said.
          Since 1962, there have only been 37 reported cases of the amoeba in Florida. This one was found in Hillsborough County, though the DOH did not give any further details.
            Naegleria fowleri is typically found in warm freshwater like lakes, rivers and ponds. The DOH has cautioned people who swim in those freshwater sources to be aware of the amoeba's possible presence, particularly when the water is warm.

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            —Pngtree—children wearing mask corona virus_5344544.png


            (CNN)The science shows face masks work both to protect the wearer and to protect others from coronavirus, and everyone needs to wear one when around other people in public, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Tuesday.

            Even cloth face masks help enough to be worthwhile, three top CDC officials said in a commentary published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.
            While community use of face coverings has increased substantially, particularly in jurisdictions with mandatory orders, resistance continues," CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC's chief medical officer Dr. John Brooks and Deputy Director for Infectious Diseases Dr. Jay Butler said in a joint editorial.
              There is "ample evidence" that people who have no symptoms and may not realize they are infected may be driving the ongoing surge in infections, they wrote.

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              —Pngtree—together we fight covid-19 corona_5356140.png


              (CNN)A Covid-19 vaccine developed by the biotechnology company Moderna in partnership with the National Institutes of Health has been found to induce immune responses in all of the volunteers who received it in a Phase 1 study.

              These early results, published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Tuesday, showed that the vaccine worked to trigger an immune response with mild side effects -- fatigue, chills, headache, muscle pain, pain at the injection site -- becoming the first US vaccine candidate to publish results in a peer-reviewed medical journal
              The vaccine is expected to begin later this month a large Phase 3 trial -- the final trial stage before regulators consider whether to make the vaccine available.

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